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Valentine’s Day Self Love: How To Truly Put Yourself First This Year

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away, and while it’s nice to show someone how much you love them on this romantic day, do you know what’s even cooler?

Showing yourself some love too!

No, I’m not trying to be corny here, but when was the last time you truly did something just for yourself?

I’m not talking about a 2 minute shower or sipping on tea while you tackle the laundry, but rather taking time to truly pay attention to your heart and what it needs?

Valentine’s Day is a day that many people actually feel really low, because not everyone is in a committed relationship and even if you are, not all relationships are sunshine and roses. 

In fact, no relationship is perfect, what is perfection anyway?

Now let’s talk about that relationship with yourself.

It’s the one that is going to last a lifetime so taking time to nurture yourself is not only important it’s essential.

In today’s article I wanted to share a few ways you can cultivate self-love, because in the very wise words of Ru Paul “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?”

Create your own personal hygge environment

Your environment says a lot about you as a person and it can lift your spirits in an instant if you allow it. 

A messy, chaotic environment can create a lot of inner turmoil and isn’t exactly motivating and uplifting.

A hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) environment on the other hand, can help you to feel happier and more relaxed on a daily basis. 

Hygge is a way of life for Danish people, and considering that Denmark is the happiest country on Earth, according to the UN World Happiness report, we think we can learn a thing or two from the Danes!

Hygge is all about creating a warm, cosy environment in order to create feelings of contentment.

Dim lighting, candles, cozy blankets, a good book, a hot mug of cocoa are all very hygge. 

Hygge is also about spending quality time on your own, nurturing those things that make you happy in a cozy, peaceful environment.

When you do feel like social interaction, the hygge way is to invite your loved ones into your cozy space where you can enjoy homemade meals around the table, instead of always going out. 

Try a healing meditation

If you are struggling with heartbreak right now, then I am truly sorry. 

Believe it or not, heartbreak is what started me on my deep meditation and self-love journey back in 2014.

My first four-year relationship ended after some deceitful news and I was completely heartbroken. My biggest fear had come true at the young age of 18 and I thought nothing could fix me.

Until one day, I decided I wasn't going to live broken anymore. I picked up my pieces and began to heal. It was an everyday action. I used affirmations, meditation, crystals, books, and really whatever I could get my hands on, I was open to.

I decided I wanted to trust and I wanted to heal.

And so I did.

If you're struggling this Valentine's Day Season or any other time, join me for this 14-minute meditation designed for heartbreak. Heal past, heal present, even set the intention to heal the future. The heart carries a lot.

Let's mend. 

I also have this beautiful self-love flow that you can do instead or alongside my meditation for heartbreak. 

Get your blood flowing 

Get your blood flowing on a daily basis and I promise that it will transform your life. 

As someone who didn’t play sports and attempted to ditch every mile in high school, if you would’ve told me I’d be certified to teach yoga (I am certified as of 2018!), I would’ve laughed in your face.

Since 2011 though, this practice has gradually taught me how to connect with my body, something I dangerously didn’t understand before.

Yoga has taught me how to love all parts of myself and it’s a self-love practice that is now part of who I am. 

If you’re looking for a beautiful self-love flow that you can practice regularly then try this one!

These three practices can truly change your life, they changed mine.

Of course, your skin care routine is also a major factor in your self-love ritual so why not treat yourself (or give a gentle hint to someone to treat you) to my beautiful products!

You are worthy of love and deserve the world this Valentine’s Day, and every day.

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