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Your 2020 Spring Skin Care Guide is Here!

Hands up if you feel like the past couple weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions for you!

I know things feel really strange and scary right now and I think you deserve some happy news so how about the fact that we are officially in Spring!

Let’s look at this season of renewal as a sign of what’s to come as long as we work together through this rough time. We will get through it!

In today’s article I thought I would share a few Spring skin care tips to help you ease into the new season glowing and full of confidence! If you’re currently working from home due to social distancing then use this time to really get into a healthy skin care ritual.

Not only will your skin thank you it’s an excellent way to enjoy some mindful, relaxation time too, you definitely deserve it!

Stay hydrated

My number one tip all year round is to stay hydrated from the inside out!

No amount of facial oil or serum is going to help you if you never drink water to help plump your skin cells up from the inside out too. 

Drinking lots of water also helps the body to flush toxins from the system so you can enjoy a healthy immune system, something we are all naturally thinking about right now.

Warm herbal teas are actually preferable over cold water, add a squeeze of lemon for a vitamin C boost to reduce inflammation and promote a radiant complexion. 

Enjoy multi-purpose skin care products

Why purchase a gazillion different products when you can purchase just two that can be used in a variety of ways?

My Superfood Serum is so high in antioxidants and nutrients that a drop is just as good for sealing split ends and promoting lustrous shine to your hair, as it is for feeding your skin with a glowing burst of moisture!

My High Vibe Face Mist is ideal for helping to calm your senses before bed and for creating the ideal yoga/meditation space. Oh, and it’s great for your skin too!

Spritz some on before your serum, over your makeup to help set it, on your pillow to help you drift off and around the room before enjoying your calming ritual. If you are looking for a meditation then I would love for you to try this one that I have just created especially for you.

Start eating fresh, cooling foods

Eating by the season is the best advice! Eating foods that are in season means you will be biting into something that is more nutritionally dense than it may be at other times of the year. 

Not to mention the fact that eating by the season tastes better, is better for the environment and friendlier on your wallet too, we are all for it!

I hope that you manage to find some relief during this time. These tips will go a long way in helping to enjoy a feeling of calm and comfort that you may be in need of right now. Sending love to you!

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